With the most advanced technologies, the environment in this world was polluted. Hence the scientist and the technicians are advising to use the eco-friendly products. Accordingly many companies have started producing the eco-friendly products. With the eco-friendly products, we can save the nature; by saving the nature we can save the EARTH. Many companies are there to produce the eco-friendly products. Here we can see about one company that producing the eco-friendly products.
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ECOTRADE is one of the best companies that produce the eco-friendly products for the customers. They produce the products that people use in their daily life. Korea Environmental technology and Industry Institute is the founder of the ECOTRADE. KEITI is established to improve the quality of the human life by developing and promoting the green products. They started many projects like Eco-Technopia 21 Project, the Soil Pollution Diffusion Prevention Project, the Environmental Business Export Assistance, Environmental Expert Nurturing Project, the New Excellent Technology Certification & Verification, and Korea National Environmental Information Center. They included themselves in sustainable production and consumption system such as the Eco-Labeling Program, the Environmental Declaration Program, the Assistance for the environmental administration, and the Promotion of green consumption. You can visit the following website to know more details http://eng.keiti.re.kr/.
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We can find all the environmental related products with the ECOTRADE. Many benefits are there for the buyers with the ecotrade. We can find the latest technology products with the ECOTRADE. We can find the reviews, specifications about the product. We can get the details about a product before the product reaches the market. Most of the online shopping sites ask the buyers to register with their website. They cannot buy the product from that websites without registration. But with the ECOTRADE we can buy the products without registration. We need to write about the product we are looking for our purpose. The sellers will contact. With the request in one site we can get to know about many companies producing the same product.
Many companies are registered with the ECOTRADE. The companies registered with the ECOTRADE have the certificates awarded by world’s renowned environmental and standards inspecting authorities such as ISO, EU. You can check what kind of certifications the company has awarded. Also ECOTRADE provides ‘V’ mark and ‘ECO Trust / Pro’ mark to registered companies which are verified as a trustful company by KEITI. With this site we can also get the information about the latest issues with the new products in the market.
With the ECOTRADE online marketing, we itself can join our company name. When we register with our company, we will get the direct orders from the customers. All we have to provide is the Company profile, the services and the products we are providing to the users. With the collaboration of the ECOTRADE, we will reach thousands of buyers every day. We can consider this is also one kind of promotion to your product. They will display the products in category wise. Choose the right category before you upload the product details. We can also get the latest market deals, tricks to cover the customer from the ECOTRADE. As the company had started now, only companies from Korea can join with them.
You can find the ECOTRADE in many of the social networking sites. ECOTRADE is the first Korea’s latest environmental products and technology.
You can even find the ECOTRADE in the social networks like face book and in you tube. Here are the links to connect with the ECOTRADE.
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/ecotrade
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ecotrade2010
You can even find the ECOTRADE in the social networks like face book and in you tube. Here are the links to connect with the ECOTRADE.
FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/ecotrade
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ecotrade2010
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